Christ Is Lord,

First off, let’s truly be thankful to God for all His faithfulness and His sustaining us through this time of trial. While everything is not yet back to normal, we are grateful for the ability to begin to meet again.

Come Back Plan

  1. Our first service back will be this Sunday, May 24th, with 2 services: 9:00AM and 10:30AM.
  2. Chairs will be set up with social distancing in mind. Therefore, seating is limited with an estimate of 50 chairs.  We ask that you sign up using SignUp Genus   Please choose which service you will attend, and put each family member in one of the open slots.  To sign up, CLICK HERE.  If you are unable to connect to SignUp Genus, you can email the church ( or call the office Monday through Wednesday - 9:00AM -10:00AM.
  3. We will disinfect before and after each service.
  4. No offering will be taken during the service.  There will be donation baskets will be in the back.  However, we encourage you to donate online if possible.
  5. There will be no greeters, ushers, Scripture readers, and no prayer at the altar during the services.
  6. There will be no Sunday School.
  7. There will be no coffee/treats between the services.
  8. We ask that people stay upstairs while they are at church.
  9. We ask that once the service is done, you leave the building and fellowship with people outside.  This allows us to disinfect after the services.

Precautions and Recommendations We recognize this is a sensitive subject for many, and we aim to respect our governing authorities in obedience to God and be sensitive to the cares and health of others.

  1. We would like you to consider the CDC recommendations as found CLICK HERE.
  2. If you are sick, or have recently been sick, please respect others and stay home until you are no longer contagious.
  3. Consider social distancing as you interact with others.
  4. Please respect others by limiting physical touch, handshakes, hugs, etc.
  5. If you feel comfortable, wear a face mask. We do not have them available, so please bring your own.

Most importantly, whether you choose to come this Sunday or sometime down the road, our main calling after loving Jesus is to love each other. Therefore, as we move forward in reopening, let us accept without judgment the opinions and actions of others. Each family is going to have their own opinions and convictions about what is best for them. Let us lovingly respect differing opinions on how to proceed in our reopening.

On behalf of the church Elder Ministry Team,

Pastor Jonathan and Daniel